Sunday, September 02, 2018

Spring Thoughts

The warm weather arrived right on schedule yesterday. As the calendar ticked over to September, the temperature rose a little. I was so happy to welcome to warmth, to stand in the sunshine and feel the breeze blowing against me was warm instead of cold. Seasons don't usually just change in an instant, and sure enough, it's a little bit cooler today, and the wind that is gusting around outside right now is anything but warm.

There are definite signs of the season changing, with the days becoming longer and just a little bit warmer. The birds are becoming noisier and the sight of hares hopping by in the morning a little more common. A few stout seedlings survived a recent heavy frost and have suddenly shown obvious signs in growth in the last few days. A self-seeded tomato has also heralded the warming soil temperatures.

The beautiful flowers in the first photo are from a local farm that grows them organically. The cabbage-like one in the centre of the bunch is an ornamental kale - isn't it pretty? In my own garden that are just a few pansy flowers to be seen, and I've been admiring the flowers on the clover. They made the perfect backdrop to photograph my Tea Mice against. I'm teaching a workshop using this design in a few weeks and am so looking forward to it. They're so much fun to make.

I'm looking forward to September for lots of reasons. I'm ready to farewell winter for this year, and I'm excited to get the garden into shape and start growing some more food. I'm feeling more and more settled after living here for more than half a year now, and I also want to see what spring is like in this part of Australia. I have a feeling I still have my tolerance of sweltering days intact, so I'm hoping that I won't find summer too harsh.

I knitted this tiny hat on the spur of the moment last weekend. It was fun and quick to make, and there's always something endearing about tiny things. On my list for this month is getting organised for the Christmas Ornament Swap. It was so popular last year I knew I'd just have to run it again this year, even though it will be a little different. As of last year, I'll announce all of the details at the beginning of October.

What have you been up to lately? Are you seeing seasonal changes yet?
I hope you've had a lovely weekend!


PS The first issue of Yarnologie went live yesterday, so it's been a busy weekend with that and also a wonderful one receiving nothing but positive feedback. I'm just so happy that everyone is enjoying it so much!!

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  1. Love the little mouse in the clover, Sarah. Very cute indeed! We have had a windy start to Spring but there's a little warmth to that breeze. Meg:)

    1. Thank you, Meg! It's cold and wet here now, but I'm certainly not going to complain about rain! x

  2. It's a gorgeous day in Melbourne today - really feeling the Spring vibe. Those flowers are stunning! Enjoy the warmth x

  3. PS - Luuuurve "Yarnologie"!! Congratulations. Such a delightful read.

    1. Thank you so much, Meredithe! I'm so happy you love it.
      Spring has abandoned us temporarily, but I'm sure it'll be back.


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Maira Gall