
Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah and I'm a knitting pattern designer and owner of an online knitter's boutique. I'm located in New South Wales, Australia. Most recently I founded, and am now editor of, Yarnologie Magazine, a digital magazine for knitters, crocheters & yarn lovers.

I also wrote and published a successful eBook all about baking spelt sourdough in 2015. As you can see, I have a mixed bag of pursuits.

Say! Little Hen is a blog about whatever takes my fancy at the time. If you delve into the archives you'll find posts about gardening, and other things like growing your own eggs and milk, along with lots of photos of the countryside and beautiful animals.
As my life changes so does this blog, with the focus now more on my knitting and baking.

What is the name 'Say! Little Hen' about?

It's not actually about anything, and it doesn't even have a meaning! I began blogging in 2012 by the name Chantille Fleur, and I got tired of that name pretty quickly. When I wanted to change my blogs name I wanted something quirky, interesting and it to have some kind of animal component to it (because I love animals!).

Why knitting?

I wanted to learn to knit after seeing my grandmother knit a pastel rainbow cardigan for my baby cousin. I was about 9 years old at the time. I didn't learn until several years later, and I was in love with the very first stitch. After I'd been knitting for a while I began to sell my knitted items - mainly toys and organic cotton baby beanies & accessories. For quite a while now I have simply enjoyed knitting for myself, family and friends and also designing patterns (and selling the odd finished piece). I usually publish several patterns a year. Knitting is a massive part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Useful links

I like to share recipes on my blog from time to time, sharing old family recipes that have remained firm favourites, and occasionally something new that I've whipped up. If you're in a hurry, you can find all of the recipes I've published on my blog on this page here.

I've also put together a Library - a collection of pages sharing my favourite books. These include novels, knitting books and recipe books. You can check out the library here.

If you're looking for my knitting patterns you can find them all in my online shop here and on Ravelry here.

Here & Now - my blog link-up

Each month I host a blog link-up called Here & Now. If you have a blog I'd love for you to come and join in! You can view previous H&N posts here if you'd like to see what it's all about!

Keep in touch

If you're like me and terrible at remembering to visit blogs all of your own accord, you can subscribe via email here. I'll only email you when a new blog post is published.

I hope you enjoy exploring my blog!


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© 2025 Say Little Hen
Maira Gall