Monday, November 28, 2016

Myrtle the Unicorn + Miss Strudel Owl

Last week I started knitting a little pink owl. I was rummaging around in my yarn box when I spotted a ball of soft bamboo/merino yarn in the prettiest shade of pink. It seemed to say "owl", and so before I had a chance to procrastinate (terrible habit of mine), I cast on and started knitting.

I decided to get my little owl knitted by the weekend, so that she might be popped into my blog shop. The family of hedgehogs and little Christmas Gnome were looking a little lonely, so I decided that I'd get my unicorn out and get it finished off too.
I finished off my little owl on Saturday, leaving me plenty of time to finish the unicorn. Luckily I had only a few rows left on my unicorn to finish it, as the stitching together of this toy takes many hours.

I chose a cheery apple print to put onto my owl, naming her Miss Strudel. Next came the unicorn, who ended up having a soft pink mane complete with gold sequins, and a silver sparkly horn. I've named her Myrtle, and I couldn't be happier with how she turned out.

Both of them are available in my blog shop - Myrtle here and Miss Strudel here - hoping to find a home for Christmas.

What did you make on the weekend?
I hope you had a good one!

Miss Strudel was made with Little Picnic Owl pattern and the unicorn is from a (sadly!) out-of print book found at the library.

Joining in Frontier Dreams for KCCO

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  1. Oh my goodness, Myrtle is sooo pretty! You are one talented girl. I'm sure you've added more than a little magic into these adorable creations xo

    1. Thanks so so much Kellie! Your lovely comments always make me smile x

  2. Aww look at Myrtle, she is gorgeous!

    Kez |


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Maira Gall