Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mini Knitted Christmas Stockings

I recently knitted up this trio of miniature Christmas stockings to gift to a dear blogging friend, and now that she has received them I can share them here with you. I made them in pink, her favourite colour, and worked one in each of the designs in the pattern.

I absolutely adore making these. They are a lot of fun to create, and their adorable size makes them a little bit addictive too. Fair Isle is my absolute favourite kind of knitting to do, and the finished stockings are so sweet too. And, as a bonus, they're worked flat!

I left the tops of these open, so that they may have a tiny treat popped into them if desired. A little chocolate or ornament would find a snug home inside.

Pattern: Mini Christmas Stocking Ornaments by Julie Williams (Little Cotton Rabbits)
Yarn: A much coveted DK (8ply) weight bamboo and cotton blend from my stash
Ravelry project page here

Are you working on any little gifts yet?
I hope you're having a lovely weekend!

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  1. These are adorable! I'm not at the knitting level, but I just may have to make these next year! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank-you Susan and you're welcome! They're very, very easy. When I first tried them several years ago they were the first thing I ever knitted in Fair Isle and following a chart. They were a quick and easy introduction :-)

  2. They are so sweet, Sarah, and I love the colour! I've been knitting slowly and steadily for a few months (I'm like a knitting sloth:) and have a few discloths and half a scarf for gifts. I hope to make a few calico flour bags that I've saved and washed into drawstring gift bags soon and into those I'll pop a discloth and some soap. Meg:)

    1. Thanks Meg! I think handmade gifts are so special, your gift bags sound like they are going to be delightful! x

  3. They are just adorable clever! I am working on some little gingerbread houses. This year I am creating gingerbread chook/hen houses for some chook loving friends, complete with tiny toy chooks and eggs :)

    1. Oh my goodness your gingerbread houses sound adorable! I hope you'll put a photo of them up on your blog :-)

  4. The tiny stockings are just gorgeous! You are so darned clever Sarah :)They are very soft and feel lovely. I see some bamboo and cotton blend in my future soon. Thank you so very much xo

    1. Thank-you so much Kellie. Bamboo Cotton blend is very nice to work with, particularly in our climate. I'm so happy you love them x

  5. These are so sweet! And the prettiest colour!

  6. I've been stitching Christmas ornaments as well. I gave two to friends on Friday - yes, it's really starting.


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Maira Gall