Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Do You Like to Knit?

Knitting is such a versatile craft, isn't it? We can take our work with us almost anywhere, it makes wonderful travel projects. Knitting in public is a good conversation starter, I used to find, although I haven't had my needles out-and-about with me for a few years now. Did you know that there is a Knit In Public Day now? I always see at least one mention of it online each year when the time comes. Have you ever participated in it?

I've got a few knitting projects on my needles at the moment. They are all a fairly small size. There is the ever on going square blanket that I started last year, along with two new designs that I am working on. I'm excited to be able to share more about both of them with you later.

Having more than one project cast on was against my self-written rules when I first started knitting. As a beginner, I knew that if I leaped from one project to the next some would inevitably be forgotten and perhaps even abandoned.
These days, I am confident in my commitment to each project, even if it takes me longer than it should to complete most. A project I am really keen to finish is on and off my needles in no time, like my baa-ble hat, but projects fraught with difficulties and speed bumps stay on my needles longer than they should. (Like my Clara Bow Sweater, for instance).

Having multiple projects at various stages of completion all at once is the way I love to work now. Three or four is my ideal number. As each project is so different from the next, I have one that suits any situation or occasion - my knitting basket is akin to a well organised wardrobe.
Fair isle designs are perfect for solitary peace-and-quiet type of knitting, with a mug of tea and a collie curled up at my feet. Little toys are fun to make as they are very quick, and usually simple too so that I can knit them and partake in an engaging conversation at the same time.
Blanket squares are handy for car knitting, as they take up so little room. Blanket themselves, in fact, are lovely to knit when its cold and your knitting can keep you warm while you work (something I loved about my mitred blanket once it had some size to it).

How many projects do you like to have on the go at once? (And is it the same as the number you actually have on the go?)

I'd love to know what you are making at the moment.
Share below!

Sarah x

PS. What you see above are several new designs, the patterns for which I will be publishing in July. I'm excited to be able to tell you all about them then! One is for a new toy, which I'm really looking forward to sharing with you. It's high time Tea Mouse, Lollipop Rabbit and Little Brown Dog had a new friend to talk to, don't you think?

Linking in with Yarn Along

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  1. This colourwork is seriously beautiful! I'm similar to you, I think, in my knitting tendencies - I always seem to have about three or four projects on the go, though I feel guilty about not being monogomous with my projects - which is silly! Oh, and knitting in public is definitely my thing, as long as one of my projects is the right kinda size to cart about! :) x

    1. Thank-you so much Becca! I've really got to take my knitting out with me more again :-)

  2. I love your projects and your photography! So inspiring! I usually have several projects going on - one for a pattern, one for fun, one crochet and one machine knitting.

    1. Thank-you so much Alina! Machine knitting is something I've looked into - it looks like fun! x

  3. I adore that pink/grey combo. It reminds me of my favorite sweater from high school. I usually have one shawl, one pair of socks and a larger project (sweater, blanket) going. That doesn't include what I'm spinning or weaving though. It can get kinda crazy! I've lost track of what I have on the needles but am going to sort it out over the weekend. I am horrible at updating my Rav page.

    1. I'm rather slack with my Ravelry page too :-) Spinning is on my learn-to list, I've already got the wheel, I just need the time! x

  4. I do love the colours on your colourwork project! I usually have a few projects on the go at once but what scares me more are the projects waiting in the wings. My TO MAKE list is seriously out of control. But I suppose I would be more nervous if there was nothing on it.

    1. Thank-you Caroline. Oh yes the to make list - sooooo long! But that's definitely a good thing :-)

  5. I like the triangles.
    I only knit one thing at a time and try very hard not to order more yarn until I've finished the current project. I've never knitted in public because I do quite a lot of fairisle and mutter and count under my breath.

    1. Thank-you Anne! It's interesting how we're all comfortable with different amounts of projects, isn't it? x

  6. I love the pink and grey. What a pretty pattern. I usually have several projects going but only one knit at a time....then one crochet item, a few cross-stitch items and a quilt. Not really too much and quite a variety.

    1. Thank-you Cathie. That sounds like the perfect blend of projects x

  7. I've been obsessively knitting socks this year as I've just discovered how! Six pairs since May (post on my blog)

    1. Oh wow! You have been busy with sock knitting, I'll have to check out your post x

  8. I love the colours in your diamond knit. I try to keep my projects on the go to 1 - 2 at a time. When I need a break from one I have something else to continue creating. I finished crochet a large scarf in Bendigo Woollen Mills cotton yarn for me, a pair of sweet baby booties in crochet, and I have recently started knitting a baby blanket for a friend. It is very simple as I'm a novice knitter.

    1. Thank-you Julia. Baby knits are so fun!

  9. I, too, like to have multiple projects in different stages of completion, levels of complexity, or size, so I can choose something to go out in public or that can be knit while talking to others, something for knitting while watching movies, something that can only be knit while concentrating, and so on. When all of my projects are too large to be easily portable, or too complex to knit while talking to someone or while my husband is driving, it's nice to have a small or easy project that can be worked on instead.

    1. It sounds like we love to work in the same way. It's fun having different projects to switch to, isn't it? x

  10. I really love your colorwork, it's beautiful! I used to be just like you were, one project at a time. I finally realized I'd knit more if I had a variety of projects at once. Three seems to be my magic number: a dishcloth for the purse, a bigger project for evenings when I have more focused time, and one other just for good measure.

    1. Thank-you so much Sarah! Three is my favourite too, although I'm perfectly happy with four. :-)

  11. I have JUST started knitting - I remember knitting when I was a little girl but I only knew one stitch and my grandmas had to do the casting on and off the needles. I have recently re-discovered it and I have just completed my first knitted square. So - I don't know what I am making but it will probably be a blanket - I know, ambitious :)


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Maira Gall