Sunday, October 12, 2014


Life is certainly full at this time of year. To say I was surprised to find that it has been a month since my last post would be an understatement. I honestly had no idea that time had gone quite that quickly. The last few months have been quite busy, with the busyness intensifying over the last weeks of September, but I shan't bore you with all of that.

As you probably imagine, quite a bit has happened since my last post. I remember I wrote about the coming of the sheep and our preparedness for it. Well, they actually ended up coming two or three weeks earlier than they were supposed to. The fencing wasn't finished, but thankfully we have two rolls of electric netting, which combined with the existing fencing made for a good temporary paddock. Their paddock and shelter has now been complete for several weeks and Rilla has the pleasure of putting the sheep into their shed every night. We do so to keep them safe from dog attack, as they don't have the ability to defend themselves like cattle do, and apparently lamb's cries can be heard by dogs quite a distance away.

The garden has reached the bountiful point it does every time this year. The sudden warmth of Spring makes every thing shoot up and flower and fruit. I can feel the heat of Summer today, Spring is not long lived in our part of the country. Many of the things we are harvesting now will most likely be the last for the year, until the cool of Autumn comes again. It's the end of all of the winter produce, but the beginning of the summer. We've planted out our watermelon seedlings and I mean to put in some beans this afternoon. I'm hoping to be able to continue growing salad greens and maybe even a few cherry tomatoes through January and February this year by putting up some shade cloth and making a concerted effort to keep the water up to them. Hopefully we are successful.

What's been going on in your world lately? 
I hope you're having a good weekend!



  1. I'm loving that image of the eggs, it looks typical of the abundance I imagine you enjoying in spring. And how lovely to see your sheep!

    1. I love that image too - I was so happy I had the camera around my neck when I went to collect the eggs, the lighting was just perfect. Sheep are the quirkiest little creatures, I love them already!

  2. Hi Chantille, We have just started putting up shade cloth to grow things in the heat of summer here on the gold coast... Asian greens also survive very well as to Rosellas as they like full sun, we are still eating jam from last years crop! Thanks for sharing! Liz x

    1. Some Rosellas that self-seeded have just started flowering, I was hoping to get enough fruit to make even a small batch of jam so that we might enjoy some with the first of our homegrown lamb! That would be such a special meal :-)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Good to see you back Sarah...spring looks wonderful and abundant at your place! Lovely soft light in your photos x

  4. Aren't dorpers gorgeous! Gosh have you got sunflowers out already?

    1. Yes I absolutely love them! I planted the sunflowers a few months back; it gets cold here in winter but not too cold, we don't get frosts or anything so the middle of the year is more of a growing season for us :-)

  5. Lovely collection of photos Sarah. Your sheep are so endearing.


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Maira Gall