Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Life

A foggy morning, a warm mug of tea and new baby lambs are some of the things that have been going on this week. It started off warm and but now a cold snap has returned.
There has been so much going on here lately that I really don't know how to the find the words for it all. So I decided to simply write about today.

Early this morning the phone range. One of our ewes had lambed! Two little babies, a boy and a girl. After the morning jobs were done we hopped in the car and drove over to see them. Daisy and her babies will be coming in early October, along with our other sheep. I felt so excited going and visiting them today.
To top it off, this same afternoon one of our cows calved at sunset. We stood in the fading light and watched her give birth and help the wobbly new calf up. We're yet to find out whether it is a little bull or a little heifer. Hopefully we'll see in the morning.
So today there were three births - one here by our cow and two elsewhere by our sheep that will soon be here too. It's been quite exciting!

What did you get up to today?
I hope your week is going well.

*Update! Our little calf turned out to be a beautiful little Bull Calf, and a bull he shall stay as he looks just perfect!


  1. Sweet little animals babies are always something to get excited about. Lovely fog image. Has been so humid here but thankfully not quite as bad today. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. I can't help but get excited! I hope it cools down for you a bit soon x

  2. Wonderful photos and so much new life.
    Clare x

  3. Oh this is just gorgeous Sarah. I LOVE that tea cup cover...did you make it? Baby animals are just adorable aren't they? Happy days x

    1. Thank-you Jane! Yes I knitted the cozy, my first attempt and I was quite pleased with it! I must make more when I get the chance :-)
      Baby animals are the best! xx

  4. How wonderful to have the baby lambs on the farm! A sure sign that spring is around the corner, right?

    1. It's felt very spring-like here lately, certainly the addition of these little critters has added to that feeling! The cold weather has returned now though, what I suspect will be the last cold snap before spring really does arrive :-)

  5. A big congrats to you dear friend! New life is so amazing and to have all of this happen for you this week is just beautiful! Enjoy this goodness....I loved those shots up there!! Nicole xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Nicole :-) It's been a very exciting few days! Hopefully we'll have more calves in the coming weeks xx

  6. Gosh aren't they beautiful. How exciting for you. And such lovely photos too! :)

    1. They're very special. Thanks so much Julie!

  7. Wonderful, wonderful news Sarah! It's so exciting when there's new life buzzing around, new challenges ahead. I can't wait to meet all your new additions when they come along. Hazel x

    1. It's super exciting! I'll definitely be keeping here updated when the sheep do arrive, and when more calves are born x

  8. What a wonderful post and congratulations on your new editions to the family :) Liz x


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Maira Gall