Sunday, August 31, 2014

This Farm of Ours

 Yesterday afternoon when we were feeding the cows I looked at the beauty surrounding us and felt so glad and thankful that this little patch of land is ours.
It's a lot of work for a small block. There have been many messes left by the previous owner to clean up and many things to establish. This time of year is always so good and full and busy. But I love it.
The weather is beginning to mellow out. The heat of summer is yet to come and the cold winds of winter are leaving us. The sun is warm and the night is cold, still cold enough for a fire which I like.

We've had another calf born since the last time I wrote. Black Brandy (second picture) as born on Tuesday. She's oh-so-sweet. And little Black Magic (other pictures) is just a ball of mischief! With this these glorious clear skies, warm days and baby animals it certainly feels like Spring!

We've started renovating, strengthening and modifying this old brick stable for the sheep's night and rain shelter, to keep them safe from wild dogs. There was a pile of bricks and some walls still standing on it's other side, the remnants of the other half of the stable apparently. I didn't get a photo before we cleared it away, but I couldn't believe what a difference removing the rubble made to the appearance of the paddock!

Recently we put in 26 natives in one of our paddocks; the beginning of a shelter belt for the cattle. A few weeks later I put in some arrowroot and a heap of comfrey roots among the little tube-stock sized trees. I was so excited when I discovered that some of it was starting to shoot!
I also have 31 pots with comfrey root in them in our potting area, all destined for the paddock when they shoot. Sheep, cattle and chickens love the stuff and it's so nutritious for them! I initially felt kind of mean for digging up our largest comfrey and chopping it's massive root ball into 2cm long lengths, but it's the best way to multiply this plant!

This afternoon we picked a big basket of produce from the garden. Tomatoes, peas, eggplants, shallots, zuccihini, 2 strawberries, radishes, capsicums, broccoli and lettuce filled it up quickly. My carrots tops are beginning to peak above the earth too. After a long day's work it was a good feeling.


How was your weekend?
I hope wherever you are it was good.
I hope you feel as content and happy as I do this evening.

Sarah x


  1. What a happy post - it looks like you are at the beginning of a wonderful journey! Love the calves x Jane

  2. Grateful, happy, positive post Sarah! Beautiful photos too, you have captured those animals perfectly. Happy farming to you x

  3. What a beautiful post....! Thanks for sharing! Liz x

  4. What an AMAZING LIFE you lead! Those calfs are gorgeous!
    I would love to walk those fields.
    Have a great week ahead!
    Tammy x

    1. We are pretty lucky :-) I hope you have a great week too x

  5. Growing up on a farm, you just cant beat it :)

  6. Sarah!!! Boy are you busy sweet friend! You have accomplished so much on your farm already! I find it so inspiring! Please keep posting pics of these sweet babies! And good luck with all of your projects!! Nicole xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Nicole & I certainly will! xx

  7. You have a beautiful place Sarah. I can tell that you are very proud of what you and your husband have done. I always enjoy reading about your farm and love seeing all the animals that live there too xx

  8. All so wonderful Sarah. Love all your pictures.

  9. Oh hello Brandy! My you are a cute one :) And look how big Spud has got, wow! you should be so proud of your farm Sarah, all your hard work is paying off and your pictures are just stunning! X

  10. Oh, that little black calf has just won my heart! I'm slightly terrified of such big creatures, but if you were to hold him safely, I would ease on over and hug that creature around the neck and kiss him on the nose. Keep sharing your pics of him so we can watch him grow!

    It is always so fun to check in from the other side of the world. We are just finishing the heat of the summer, and the weather has just turned a corner this week. The mornings are cooler with a hint of dampness, so it won't be long before the leaves start changing color. You're just coming alive with spring. Enjoy it! And when we're over here freezing, we'll pop in and warm up. =)

    1. Our cows are miniature so they're about half the size of regular cattle, but they are still quite sizeable. :-)

      Seasons changing is always the best feeling, isn't it? x

  11. Hey Sarah .. Super post. Love the pics and your new calves are just beautiful. How good is comfrey? Makes the best liquid fert for the garden - high in nitrogen and potassium. :)

  12. Such a beautiful post Sarah! So delighted to have found your blog and I look forward to stopping by often! Wishing you a beautiful week.
    Sophie x

  13. You really are so blessed to live in such a beautiful spot, and it's always lovely to see the results of your hard work. Oh and those little calves are just too sweet. Have a happy week, "see" you on Tuesday for tea :-) xx


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Maira Gall