Saturday, April 18, 2020

We've Moved!

Say! Little Hen (the blog) has moved! You can find new posts over at - a place where you will also find my online knitting courses.

See you there!

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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Show Time

The local show was on last weekend, and I went along for a few hours to have a look at the different happenings. I'd been along already the week before to drop off some of my knitted things, having decided to enter them in.

I hadn't originally planned to enter anything in the show, hence the last-minute decision. I was teaching a knitting class the evening before, and one of the ladies attending also happened to be part of the show society. It came up in conversation, and when she asked if I'd entered anything, I replied that no I hadn't. I went on to add that I didn't think I really had anything worth entering.

She told us how one year they didn't have enough entries in the flower section, so she had to race home and cut some roses and gerberas, just to fill up the display. They ended up winning ribbons, but the main point is that having a full display is what's important. For a little show like ours, it can be hard for them to have the displays nice and full. This year it was, and it was nice to have played a small part in that.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Just as I begin to wonder if the seasons will change, all of a sudden the days are shortening, the afternoons are decidedly chilly and I'm shutting up the house early to trap the warmth and light the fire. The trees have turned golden yellow and are starting to drop their leaves, a little later than last year but lovely none the less. May is a beautiful month, and has always been one of my favourites - up north it was a gorgeous mild month of perfect weather, and here it signals the final month of Autumn before winter truly arrives. L M Montgomery might have been glad to live in a world where there are Octobers, but I will always be glad of May and June.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Here & Now | April 2019 Link Up

I originally didn't intend to continue with the Here & Now link up during this year, but I've missed writing the posts and seeing yours, too. It's a nice way of checking in once a month, another way to keep a journal as the year goes on by.

I had the joy recently of visiting a beautiful garden, and amongst all the other gorgeous flowers growing was this patch of echinacea. They are such pretty flowers, I had to take a photo.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Porridge Days

April is here and the delicious weather with it - porridge days they should be called as they are not too hot and not too cold, but just right (just like Baby Bear's porridge in the Goldie Locks story). I've been snapping photos here and there and doing lots of knitting, but never quite finding the time to put the photos together with words here on this blog until this afternoon.

© 2025 Say Little Hen
Maira Gall