Sunday, April 08, 2018

Mug Cosy Parade (Knit-Along)

The mug cosy knit-along has finished, and what a lovely KAL it was! I'm so thankful to everyone who joined in, and it's lovely too that everyone has had such a wonderful time knitting their cosies.
I made the Happy Hedgehogs cosy for mine,  but the most popular choice amongst the KAL knitters was definitely the Darling Dots cosy - perhaps because it's ideal for first-time colourwork knitters.
I've done a round-up of the photos that were shared of the KAL cosies below so that you can see them all!

From top left: By Melissa @crochetco, by Judy. From Bottom left: By Theresa, and by Katherine @katherinemcw

Cosies from top left: By Amanda @flowerpony68, tea post cosy by Kate. From bottom left: By Trish @trish3236, and by Sara Maree @boutifulblesses
From top left by: Nicola @cinders74.nn, by Carla @mybitsandpieces. From bottom left by: Lyn @seelandsgirl and by Julie 
From left: by Kate and by Anna
From top left by: Jen, by Trish. From bottom left: By Kate, by Dawn @dfains
By Cassandra

I love that this KAL inspired so many to try colour work knitting for the first time - and we even had a crocheted version of the Marshmallow Mug Cosy, too! I'm super excited to run another KAL, hopefully, sooner rather than later. I don't think I've got time to run one before Knitfest, but you never know!

The winner of the KAL giveaway (drawn by random number generator) was Kate who made four beautiful cosies - her's are the collection of four featuring the Hedgehog Buttons. Everyone's work was so lovely I'm glad that it was up to the number generator to pick a winner as I certainly couldn't have!

I'll leave you to admire the cosies now, as I'm feeling pretty worn out (in a good way) after teaching my workshop yesterday. It was lots of fun and I can't wait to do it again! I'll have a blog post about it up early next week.
Until then, happy making!

Sarah x

PS If you joined the KAL and your cosy photo is missing from here, please contact me and I'll add it to the post.

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  1. Wow, all the cosies look fabulous!! I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's beautiful makes :) xo

    1. Aren't they great! It has been really lovely seeing them all :-)


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Maira Gall