Friday, May 05, 2017

A Wintry Week

It's been a drizzly and blustery day outside, a good reminder that we're heading into the last month of Autumn. I had hopes of enjoying a fire outside at the end of this week, but the weather has had other plans. I actually quite enjoy this weather, of course providing one has the option to remain indoors. It's the perfect weather for enjoying cups of tea and getting knitting done, which is exactly what I've been doing this afternoon since returning from the post office. Amongst today's parcels were some hedgehog quote mugs - they arrived yesterday and I was so happy with how they'd turned out that I wasted no time in getting them into my shop. (You can see more of them here if you like). 

The seedlings are loving this weather too, and have grown so much recently that I think I'll have to tie up the tomatoes soon, whilst they're still small enough to manage. They can be very badly behaved if a close eye is not kept on them!

The plans for the weekend are non-existent, aside from the meal plan on the fridge that has the lovely promise of pizza, bread baking and a chicken soup. If this weather keeps up there shall certainly be knitting, and if the sun comes out I think I'll get out my hand knits to air, as I may be needing them soon.

I'd love to hear what you've been up to this week, or what you've plans for this weekend. Has it been sunny or gloomy for you? And which kind of weather do you prefer?

Until next time!
Sarah x

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  1. Hi Sarah. Your little hedgehog mugs look great. You might have to design a new mug cosy with a cute little cut out for the hedgehog to peep out of! Have a great cosy weekend.

    1. Thank-you so much Dawn! Alas the mugs have all left home faster than I could have cast on! :-)

  2. Very cute hedgehog mugs, Sarah! Perfect for hot chocolates! The weather here has been gorgeous, warm but with crisp early mornings and evenings. I have been gardening so my heart is content. Meg:)

    1. Thank-you so much Meg! Gardening is such a lovely, rewarding task! x

  3. The mugs are so cute!! Love the quote too. Well done you xo

  4. We're in the midst of Spring here in the Mid-West US - a little over a month from Summer. But you wouldn't know it from the chilly weather we've been having! Very rainy (flooding!).
    I enjoy both the sunny days (if it doesn't get too hot and humid) and the "gloomy" days (I prefer to call it "cozy" - but again, if it doesn't stay gray for too many days in a row).
    Fortunately it is supposed to be sunny all weekend, so I hope to finally get motivated to complete my Spring Cleaning.
    Enjoy your weekends, everyone!

    1. I hope you get some sunshine this weekend! x

  5. Love that bread Sarah, so wholesome as always x


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Maira Gall