Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Changing Seasons

We had our first stormy afternoon last week. It was hot and humid, the sky was a strange colour and thunder could be heard rumbling in the distance.
The week before I was still wearing jumpers and scarves, getting damp in the misty-drizzle at chore time.
Now Spring has realised we're about to head into summer, and has warmed up and gotten considerably sunnier. I noticed jacarandas blooming in town the other day, and in my veggie patch the passionfruit is beginning to flower.
The sheep are shedding their wool - there are tufts of it stuck on gates, fences and the rough corners of the brick shed they sleep in. There is even the odd clump to be found on the ground.
There are scores of black cockatoos about the place - the day is filled with their noisy squawking.
Last night I harvested the last of the baby potatoes and "little finger" carrots, and also added to the basket the first tomatoes and a bunch of spring blooms.
This morning I noticed a patch of green had appeared  in one of the garden beds - a whole army of tomato volunteers has sprouted overnight. I know they are plotting to take over the kale and corn beds, so I'll have to be ruthless and pull most of them up. Or maybe I could find somewhere to transplant them...

With the warm weather upon us my sourdough starter comes bubbling to life within just a few hours of being removed from the fridge now. A month or two ago and it took all night.

I'll have to dust off the ceiling fans, establish a watering routine for the veggie patch again and start looking forward to mangoes and peaches from our own trees.

I do love this time of year.

How does your routine and surroundings change with the changing seasons?
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Sarah x

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  1. We're enjoying autumn days so having to get everything done outside before it's too dark at five o'clock, loving the damp misty mornings and eating apples fresh from the trees while they're deliciously crisp and juicy.
    I love the photo of your guineas taking a drink; mine would probably overbalance and fall in.

    1. Your days sound lovely Anne! Autumn is my absolute favourite season. Fresh apples must be special :-)


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Maira Gall