Monday, January 18, 2016

Back To Basics | Knitted Washcloths

I was sorting through one of my yarn boxes last week, resorting the yarn from type into colour. I had the theory that if organised by colour it would be more inspirational to look at and also make choosing colours for projects easier. I think it's working.
Anyway, whilst sorting I came across my little collection of Cleckheaton Bamboo. I've had this silky yarn in my stash for years. It's not the sturdiest of yarns, and with only one or two balls in each color, the projects I can use it for are limited. I was patting it, as you do, and admiring the luxurious softness of it when I suddenly felt inclined to knit all of it up into washcloths.
The little stack of washers in the linen cupboard is down to a measly few, and I thought rather than buying more, why not make some? It'll finally be a use for this yarn and restock the linen cupboard - two birds with one stone.

This yarn is rather heavy and doesn't support itself, so I decided to use two strands at once on a 3.75mm needle. So far it's working great and I'm really happy with them. Washcloths are something I haven't made for years, and wanting them to be fuss-free and quick to make I decided to simply work them in garter stitch.
Sitting knitting such a plain square lets my mind wonder while I work, and as such I've been busily sketching and scribbling down some new designs. I think it's high time Miss Tea Mouse and Little Brown Dog had a few friends and there are two I plan to start work on as soon as I'm finished with these washcloths. I'm just a tad excited.

This project was a moment of whim, a simple idea and it has turned out to be incredibly enjoyable and productive. The simplicity of them has given my mind room to think of new designs, the texture of garter stitch is something I haven't truly appreciated before and the act of making something so practical that can be used straight away is a wonderful feeling. I've really enjoyed the entire process.

And this little bundle of bamboo is so soft to touch, it's going to feel like a little bit of handmade luxury every time I use them.

Yarn: Cleckheaton Bamboo (I think it's discontinued, but you could try any of these delicious cottons)
Ravelry notes here, including my made up "pattern"

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  1. Hello
    Thank you for such a lovely post .. I have tried the ravelry link but no success

    1. Hi Lynn,
      Thanks for your lovely comment! The Ravelry link is working for me, but takes me to a page that says I need to log in to view it. Have you got a Ravelry account? x

  2. Oh my, your yarns are beautiful and so are your wash cloths. I love making them, too. Instant gratification! And I know I've told you before, but your photos are awesome!

  3. Ooooo, thank you for this. Your washcloths are lovely. I just checked out the link and there is some lovely organic cotton there. I think I might need some. xo

    1. You are most welcome Julie and thank-you for your lovely comment! Happy knitting xx

  4. gorgeous!! i love it when a plan involves knitting and the end result is both useful and beautiful. i made a bunch of washcloths at the end of last year that are still sitting on my desk waiting for their ends to be sewn in. i think you've inspired me to get them finished and in circulation. have a gorgeous week honey xx

    1. Thank-you so much Kate! Sewing in ends can be a bit tedious can't it? I hope you have a lovely week too xx

  5. They're so cute and such a great way to de-stash! I love making and using hand knitted wash/dish cloths. I never thought of using thinner bamboo yarn and doubling it. Great idea!

    1. Thank-you so much! Knitting with two strands is one of my favourite things to do, it turns thinner yarn into chunkier yarn straight away :-)

  6. Such lovely colors. I enjoy handmade washcloths.

    Please drop by and say hello!
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    ...doing what I can with what I've got where I am
    on a short shoestring budget!


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Maira Gall