Saturday, January 16, 2016

Recipe: 100% Spelt Sourdough Bread + Photo Tutorial

This post was updated in 2016 - the Master (or everyday) sourdough recipe is now available in my eBook (along with heaps of other delicious recipes!) along with a selection of different proving schedules and all of the techniques you need to successfully bake 100% spelt sourdough.

Every method is simple and fuss free (who has time for complicated cooking?!).
Purchase your copy and learn more here.


  1. My last bake with loaves shaped in rice floured banneton, careful monitoring of the proof time and baked in a covered roasting pan were, dare I say, almost perfect. I am beginning to feel confident enough to try different shapes and then I'll start testing trialling different "flavours." I'm especially keen to make olive bread

    1. That's wonderful to hear Sandra. I'm so glad you're enjoying sourdough baking! Experimenting is fun too, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with xx

  2. Thank you for this post!!! I will be trying it out in the near future. xo

    1. You're most welcome Julie! I hope you enjoy x

  3. Hi Sarah, I have put a post on my blog sharing your recipe. My rise went a bit wrong but it was delicious never the less. I will have another go and see if I can do a bit better next time! Eleanor x

    1. Hi Eleanor,
      Thank-you so much for trying it out! I'm off to read your post now xx

  4. Thank you again Sarah, your tutorials are a great help for me. They are pinned for later reference and you have a new family member to your blog ;) Have a lovely weekend

    1. Thank-you so much for your lovely comment Nicole! I'm so glad you find them helpful. Happy baking x

  5. This post has actually inspired me to start my own sourdough starter. So far it seems to be a success, I am making ready to bake from it right now, just waiting for the dough to rise. I constantly keep checking on it like on a little baby :)

    1. Oh I'm so happy to hear that you've given sourdough a go! It is exciting, isn't it? I've been baking it for 2 or so years now, and I still check on my dough a lot...although sometimes I forget and over rise it - oops!
      All the best with your baking x


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Maira Gall