Friday, June 02, 2017

The Arrival of Winter + Some Weekend Reading

Winter has arrived here with quite an abrupt and forceful entrance. Yesterday howling winds arrived and grey clouds to cover the sun, and whilst there are little patches of sunshine here and there this morning the wind is still roaring. It's noticeably colder, too, and the wood fire was lighted a few hours earlier than usual yesterday afternoon.
Of course, the kind of cold I'm talking about isn't as cold as others might experience, but it's still cold enough for fires, snuggly knits and warm cocoas.

This weather is abominable if you have no choice but to be outside in it. Now that we only have a few chickens to look after, a quick dash to feed them isn't so bad. Collecting kindling doesn't take very long either and is something I enjoy so much. Why is it that collecting twigs and sticks can feel so satisfying?
It's perfectly snuggly weather indoors, perfect for baking, knitting and reading. Of course, I can't spend all winter doing all those lovely things, but the cool weather makes even less interesting tasks and chores more enjoyable. Cleaning can even be a good thing, helping to warm me up, rather than the opposite in summer where I feel as though I'll melt into a puddle if I move.

I'm waiting for my copy of Lake Hill to arrive, so I've been refraining from starting any novels and instead have been reading articles I've found online.

I recently discovered Creative Countryside and have quite fallen in love with it. It's entire style is exactly the sort I like. It's both an online journal and soon to be a print magazine, too!

I loved this recent post on Practising Simplicity about the current trend of "simple living" versus actually doing it.

And I shared this article on why your brain wants you knitting over on my Facebook page last weekend and thought I'd pop it here, too.

I've also been at a dead end with meal making lately, so have tried a few new things. Last week I made this Beetroot & Feta Filo Pizza and my goodness, it was divine! I steamed fresh beetroot and made the pesto from scratch, and will most definitely be repeating this one again! I also tried fish cakes too for the first time and loved them. I sadly have no recipe to link too, as I sort of did my own thing and I think actually deviated from what a fish cake is supposed to be. But they were still delicious!

Speaking of food, it's also National Doughnut Day. Really! Here's the recipe for my all-time favourite doughnut, in case you wanted to celebrate (and who wouldn't?).

What have you been eating and reading lately? Has winter arrived at your place, or perhaps you're waiting for summer?
A bit of sunshine has just appeared outside, I think I'll go and warm my feet in it!

Have a lovely weekend!

Sarah x

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  1. It's perfect KitKat weather here - just the plain, original variety ... yum!

  2. Lovely links Sarah, thank you. I have a basket almost identical to yours with the sticks in it. I love it! I will investigate that doughnut recipe...I have been thinking about doughnuts, I blame the cold weather! x

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the links! This weather is perfect for doughnuts :-)

  3. I am in southeast England and we are currently melting into puddles :) But I am cooking loads as well and trying new recipes. I am reading Spirals in Time, a book about mollusks and their shells and how they affected humans and their history.


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Maira Gall