Thursday, April 06, 2017

Autumn Inspiration

It's fairly safe to say that since opening my yarn shop, my thoughts have been mostly occupied by wool. And it's the time of year for it really, too. March was a strange month, weather-wise, but with April rolled in a beautiful cool change and I think it's here to stay. Cool weather has an amazing impact - I find it more inspiring, I feel more creative and everything just feels a whole lot more achievable when it's a good temperature outside.

The chickens are obviously feeling happier too, as all of the Silkies are beginning to go clucky and the battery rescues have started laying. There were literally squeals of delight when I found two fresh eggs in their pen this morning. I'm so happy they've started. (Those aren't their eggs pictured, but Silkie eggs).
Baby chicks are expected too, although they weren't planned. A few busy weeks combined with a hen that decided to go clucky meant that I didn't notice and I also forgot to collect the eggs for a few days too. She's sitting on two eggs, and I have no idea if or when they'll hatch as I don't even know when she started. This is the second time Mini May has done this, she seems to be an expert at having unplanned families.

I thought I'd share here some things I've found inspiring lately. I find an eclectic mix of things bring me happiness, contentment and inspire me creatively. I hope you enjoy these!

1. Grown & Gathered by Matt & Lentil - this delight book is inspiring and overflowing with many recipes, and all accompanied by gorgeous photographs. I picked it up from the library after receiving several recommendations and wasn't disappointed

2. Flora Forager Journal by Bridget Collins - this journal is breathtaking. Just a quick peek at Bridget's Instagram feed and you'll have a good idea of the beauty that is contained in this journal.

3. Autumn issue of Earth Garden - I was more excited than usual to receive my copy of EG at the beginning of the month as it features my recipe for spelt sourdough pumpkin bread. Alongside that are loads of inspiring stories from around the country; this is the one magazine I always read cover-to-cover. You can purchase a copy online or have a look at your local newsagents.

4. Sweet Pea Lane - if you crochet and sew then you simply must have a look at this beautiful pattern. It's seriously cute!

5. Tips On Having a Market Stall - as you probably know, I recently attended a local market (my first in quite a few years). I shared a stall with Megan from Dolly Henry, and afterwards she wrote a wonderful blog post full of encouragement and tips for anyone thinking of having a market stall.

On that note, I'll be at the Mareeba Markets again this Saturday, so if you're in the area I would love to see you there!

I hope you've had a good week so far! Perhaps you'd like to share one of the things that's been inspiring you lately in the comments below?

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  1. I'm thrilled you think my "Sweet Pea Lane" pouches are inspiring Sarah! Your knitting projects are always tempting me to put down my crochet hook and pick up my knitting needles instead :) Thank you for your kind words xo

    1. All of your work is inspiring Kellie! And so beautiful xx

  2. Sarah, I have honestly found Say! Little Hen continues to inspire my knitting journey the most, as I learn more about different yarns, move into slighter more complex patterns and have the confidence to try finer yarns and smaller needles ;) I also enjoy theforeverfarmhouse on and wooldays on Instagram, for their lovely photos and woolly inspiration. from Amanda R.

    1. Thank-you so much Amanda! I'm so happy I've inspired you with your knitting, it's such a lovely thing to hear xx

  3. I too am grateful for the cooler weather and yes, I'm inspired and energised in the cool. Off to check out your recommendations - thank you. Hope those chickens keep on a-layin'!

    1. Isn't it a lovely time of year Meredithe? So good for knitting and crafting x

  4. Great list Sarah, thanks for sharing! I am so pleased you found Grown and Gathered and that you enjoyed it. I loved the photography too, very inspiring but real at the same time. Great information on the market stall too, very useful.

    My winter photos are done and sent off to Graziher, featuring your mug covers. I cant wait to see how the final story looks. Have a great weekend x

    1. Yes I wasn't sure whether it would be one of those "glossy" sort of books, but it has some wonderful recipes and useful information. I'm yet to try the sourdough pasta as I must get a pasta machine first!

      I can't wait to see your article! Thank-you so much for choosing my mug cosies x

  5. I used to buy Earth Garden without fail, but haven't done so for years. I have been loving the odd splurge on 'Taproot' though. It's an international journal, quarterly, so I tend to do a back order every so often. It's beautiful long-form storytelling and illustrations, craft and cooking and thought pieces are my kinda happy place.

    1. I've seen Taproot online but never come across a copy in real life. It looks like a lovely mag :-)


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Maira Gall