Saturday, October 29, 2016

What Does Your Garden Do For You?

Gardens are pretty incredible places. From the most basic, to the amazing, the pretty to the practical - each one has an important role to play in our lives.
I was struck recently by how much can come from a garden - they form the base for so many things. The first things that spring to mind are flowers, food and a good impact on the environment.

But there are many other things that they form the base for.

A herb garden can inspire you to create new dishes, experiement with flavours. Or perhaps try your hand at blending teas.

Foilage and flowers are incorporated into many forms of art and craft.

A little fairy door and some mushrooms placed in the garden can entertain children for hours, and help develope their imagination, which I believe to be so important now more than ever.

Some people grow butterfly gardens, others provide homes for larger forms of wildlife.

My garden serves me as a place for inspiration and peace, a place to wander with my camera, and lastly one to delight my senses when I crush the leaves of the chocolate mint between my fingers, or harvest herbs to put into meals.

What kind of garden do you have?
Perhaps it's no more than a house plant, or perhaps you enjoy the gardens that others have created around you. Maybe you're lucky enough to have acres of garden!
Share below.

Happy weekend!

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  1. My garden gets me outside, gives me vegetables and hopefully fruit next year. Enjoyment from the flowers, the colours and the scents, and helps me relax - you can't stress over things when weeding.

    1. Indeed you can't! Best of luck for a good crop of fruit x

  2. I'm sure I can smell the flowers in your photos - they're such beautiful photos Sarah! The focus for our garden is to create a relaxing and nurturing space for our souls to rejuvenate. We've concentrated on plants with lush greens and foliage without spikes. However we also grow herbs I frequently use in the kitchen, and have just begun growing vegetables. Can I keep going??? Our citrus trees are scattered around the garden and are clipped into standards. When we come home from a few days away, the first thing I check is to see who's flowering! :)

    1. Thank-you so much Kellie! Your garden sounds absolutely beautiful - thanks for leaving such a lovely comment x

  3. Oh, look at that Blue-banded Bee! My garden is where I love to be. In it, I can lose all sense of time because I'm doing "work" that I love. It provides us with some veggies, some fruits, flowers, and herbs. It's a place to relax, a place to play and a place to watch the amazing creatures that visit or call it home too. Simply, my garden is a joy!

    1. Your garden sounds lovely Meg, and similar to mine, although I haven't grown any veggies this year. x

  4. Your garden is so pretty Sarah and you capture it perfectly.

    Do you garden has changed over time. In the early years on our property I devoted hours and days to it. I planted and pruned and fertilized and planned, moved fences and planted trees. Then the vegetable garden evolved and I loved that far more than growing ornamental things. Children came along and life got busier. Nowadays I struggle to find time to even enjoy the garden and while the vegetable garden thrives, the rest is rather neglected. This has been annoying me lately and it is time for a major overhaul and some much needed maintenance. It is time to make more time for it! x

    1. Thank-you so much Jane! Gardens are on going projects, and such a good hobby I think as it doesn't clutter up the house or need cleaning ;-)

  5. I have part kitchen garden, part dry-climate garden, part shade garden, part dust and noise-reducing garden, part garden children can play and be safe in - but all a garden for health and happiness. I love my garden.

    1. Your garden sounds perfect Kate! Happy growing x

  6. My garden provides me with calmness and peace of mind, a couple of moments every day to have a look at how my planties are growing, to water them, to take care of them and realize that there are small simple things in this life that can make me so very very happy and fulfilled.


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Maira Gall