Friday, August 01, 2014

Floral Friday ~ A Flower Arrangement

Time got away from me last month and I missed participating in Floral Friday. Life's pretty full-on here at the moment, and I nearly let the same thing happen this month....but I decided not to. I've said it before, but one of the things I love about this project is that it does make you stop and smell the flowers. Or pick them, in this case.

None of our traditional flowering plants are in bloom this month, and aside from that we don't actually have many! Never the less, I managed to pull together a little garden posy for today and as a matter of fact, I'm actually very happy with the way it turned out.
 I didn't realise that our veggie patch was such a beautiful place until I went up there this morning with the goal to come back with a bunch of flowers. This bunch is not only pretty but is so fragrant too. The fruity sage (the little red flowers) smells divine, mixed with lavender and the single rose you see in the centre. The rose is a recent purchase and has the most beautiful scent - similar to that of a Mr. Lincoln, but not quite as overwhelmingly perfumed. I think it may become a firm favourite of mine.
Also in my posy are the flowers of cinnamon basil (it doesn't smell that pleasant but the other flowers mask it), a little daisy, leaves of yarrow and some pink flower that I can't remember the name of.
All in all I'm very pleased with my efforts, and I think the little vase wrapped in brown paper makes it extra sweet.


Now, have you any flowery goodness happening at your house this Friday? Join in over at Trishie's or you can go on the email list for next month!

"Floral Friday is a monthly photography project with different themes each month. This series is about fun and taking time out to smell the flowers. To play along this month, simply add the link to while walking post below. To play along next time, please email Trishie for next month's theme."

Sarah x

Click here to see my previous Floral Friday Posts


  1. Seriously love this! I can just about imagine its beautiful scent. The fruity sage looks interesting. I must look out for it at the nursery. I would love to have that in my herb garden

  2. It is so sweet Sarah...very beautiful!!! And I like how you wrapped your posy as well! Lovely weekend to you lady!!! Nicole xo

  3. Such a lovely bouquet! Your blog is so cute and charming. :)

  4. I love this sooo much - super sweet :) I want to smell my screen!

  5. i love what you pulled together! i like the brown paper too. it does make it extra sweet.

  6. oooh sooo pretty! I love how you have arranged them in the bag! Have a great weekend my dear, Hazel x

  7. Your little hand full is gorgeous! Similarly this happened to me when i just popped outside and decided this had to be done some how lol

  8. How sweet that you grew all of these pretty herbs and flowers - they looks lovely together in the brown wrapping!
    Now I want to explore your blog...xo Karen

  9. What a beautifully artistic presentation of seasonal flowers and herbs; just lovely!


  10. Hi Sarah,

    Love this little arrangement very much - the fragrance must be beautiful and love the way you have wrapped it up with the brown paper.
    Happy weekend

  11. Hello Sarah

    I love how you've made your sweet little summer bouquet - I have that sage too and it's great in tussie mussies!
    It's perfect wrapped in brown paper - such a gorgeous photo too!


  12. Love this! The arrangement is so sweet and colorful!

  13. I'm on the Floral Friday trail, I love yours! The colours are so vibrant, makes me pine for springtime :)

  14. Hey Sarah ... so pretty and the pineapple sage looks divine. It smells good too :)

  15. That flower arrangement is gorgeous! All the flowers in it look fresh. I can just imagine how refreshing to hold that is. You really have great talent in that field, Sarah! Great job all around. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you!

    Geneva Brooks @ Bayside Just Because


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Maira Gall