Friday, July 27, 2018

Winter Gardening, Spring Plans & Spinning Yarn

After a week of frosts and chilly days, this week it's been all warmth and mild temperatures. This afternoon was particularly warm, and despite my love of winter, I have to say that I loved the warm change. It's still cold of an evening, but it's feeling evident that mid-winter has passed and we're ever so slowly creeping towards spring.

I've been heading out to the veggie patch every morning and staring closely at the mulch, as I await the appearance of some winter seedlings. I sowed the seeds over a week ago, so I think I can now reasonably hope they'll appear. Among them are Sweet Peas, which I'm hoping will still shoot even though I was late in planting them. It was pretty cold when I put them in, so fingers crossed they sprout! I've put a little teepee over each planting, and if they grow I'll be able to see their pretty flowers from the office window. I'm also hoping to see cornflowers and snapdragons, too.

Today I gathered together lots of wool and other things in preparation for my next workshop, which I'm teaching tomorrow. This one goes for the whole day, so I'm really looking forward to it. I've had workshops on my mind for most of the week as I planned a beginner's course for August, and even did some Christmas workshop planning. It turns out that teaching is kind of addictive, and I love every moment of it.

I've been trying really hard to make time for spinning. I've barely been near my wheel since we moved, but I feel that now I have time and the headspace to make some time for it.
Moving interstate, when things didn't quite go to plan, took up more months than I expected. I'm finally starting to feel a little settled like I can establish a proper routine and rhythm to life again.

I've made Sundays my spinning day, and last weekend I finished off a skein of the most brilliant orange wool. It's destined to become doll hair, so I think its thick-and-thin appearance is perfect for that.
I decided to photograph it with the cutest book which I was recently gifted by my lovely friend Ulla, who is also the one that taught me to spin. With the title "Knit your own boyfriend", it's impossible not to laugh when looking at this book. In a world of endless knitting patterns, I love the creativity behind this book in its concept. If I had children to knit for, I could see myself having a lot of fun knitting up different dolls for them from this book.

What's been happening in your world lately?
Have you been finding new rhythms, or making plans? Have you had something as good as these fresh, warm pizza scrolls? I hope so!

Have the loveliest weekend,


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  1. It's decidedly balmy here in Brisbane this evening, Sarah. My husband and I looked at one another and said that it feels like the season is turning! I hope your sweet peas grow for you, they have the most beautiful fragrance! Meg:)

    1. I think the cold is supposed to return tomorrow, so I'm enjoying the warm sunshine today! I do hope the cold comes back, just to give those sweet peas a better chance at shooting :-D

  2. I hope your sweet peas do the right thing for you.....I planted some at the end of may, and thought that was pretty late, but they're growing slowly, so that's something. Is that a patch of yellow nasturtiums beyond your garden bed, they look so bright and cheery. Spring's on it's way here, too, I'm making the most of my crops of winter greens, because it'll be too hot soon for them. I hope your knitting class went well.

    1. I was supposed to plant the sweet peas in late Autumn for this climate, so hopefully there is enough coolness left for them to germinate!
      Aren't the nasturtiums gorgeous? There were 2 tiny plants of them when we moved in at the beginning of the year, and after the summer heat left they started to grow a bit more. We had a lot of rain while we were away, which they love, so when we returned from Knitfest the whole bed was exploding with nasturtiums covered in gorgeous flowers.

      My workshop went so well! It was a really lovely day :-)
      Have a lovely week!


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Maira Gall