Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tea Mouse Knit-Along | Come Join!

I mentioned that I might run another Knit-Along before Knitfest, and before I knew it a Tea Mouse one was underway! With a couple of lovely knitters asking if I would do one, I got thinking and decided there was heaps of time to do another KAL! The first one was so much fun, and it was lovely seeing all of those beautiful mug cosies at the end - imagine the little army of Tea Mice that will be created in this Knit-Along?
So, let's get into the details, shall we?

I'm keeping this KAL casual, too, because I think that was what made the first one so fun. Stuffy deadlines and rules just suck the fun out of creating, and enjoyment whilst creating is what we're here to do!
I've put together three beautiful Tea Mouse kits to choose from especially for this KAL, in case you wanted to make a mouse in the yarn and fabric combinations pictured. The yarn in the kits is organic cotton and knits up really nicely. The colours I've chosen replicate the original Tea Mouse I made years ago when I sold them as finished items and I hadn't yet published the pattern. You can find the kits here.
If you'd like to do your own yarn and fabric combination, I highly recommend these organic cotton colours for your mouse - Ice Blue, Autumn Blush or Aqua. Tea Mice also make up beautifully in DK weight wool and alpaca.

In honour of the KAL, the Tea Mouse pattern has been given a little facelift and I've also updated the pattern to include more detailed finishing off instructions and a second method for creating the i-cord tail.
If you're wondering if your skills are up to knitting a Tea Mouse, the pattern is beginner friendly. Simple knitting, purling, increasing and decreasing are all the techniques used in this pattern. An experienced knitter can have a Tea Mouse completed in just 2 hours.

KAL Dates:
There's a 2-week sign-up period to allow everyone time to jump on board, and also give time for your kits to arrive.
We cast on April 26th and finish May 10th - whilst Tea Mouse is a speedy knit, I like loose deadlines to allow for general life busyness, and also if you want to make more than one mouse, you can! We finish just before Mother's Day, in case you want to knit yours as a gift.

To sign up for the KAL, simply put your name and email address down on the form here. I'll be in touch within 24 hours to confirm your sign up and also give you your participant-only treats. Signing up via the form also makes it easy for me to contact you if you're the lucky winner of the KAL giveaway!

Who can join?
Anyone can join! It doesn't matter where in the world you are, I'd love you to join this Knit Along! The only requirement of the KAL is that you purchase (if you already have a copy, don't worry about it!) the Tea Mouse pattern, as that's what we're knitting in this KAL.

Participant-only treats, you say?
As a thank you for joining in the knit-along, you'll receive a code to give you 20% off the PDF pattern.

KAL Giveaway:
A Knit-Along isn't complete without a giveaway, is it? Just like with the last KAL, I'll put together a parcel of lovely goodies as the prize for this one. I'll share what that will be later on, but it'll (obviously) contain lots of yarny goodness!

So, summed up:
1. Go and sign up for the Knit-Along here
2. Check out the Kits here
3. Come and join the Facebook group here!

And that's it! I do hope you'll join us for some Tea Mouse knitting fun!

Share your progress
It would be lovely if you could post photos of your KAL progress right from the start on Instagram using the tag #saylittlehenKAL so that we can all see your beautiful work! If you're on Facebook, also come and join the KAL group and share your work in there.
If you're not on either social media platform, you're most welcome to email me some photos so that I can share them!

If you have any questions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to leave them below in a comment or email me directly.

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  1. I am so in! Cannot wait to get started! I’ve had the pattern for so long - am finally going to do it! Thanks for putting this together so quick on the heels of the mug cosy (which I was unable to participate in).

  2. I'm in, can't resist a pretty mouse :)

  3. Hi I know I'm late but could I please join in with the knit along?? I've only just this minute seen the little tea mouse on bloglovin.I love to knit little things as they're great for using up my documents of wool and your little mouse is just gorgeous🐭🐁🐀🙂

    1. Hi Marie,
      The KAL has ended now, but that doesn't mean that you can't make a Tea Mouse!
      You can still purchase the kits here:
      And the pattern here:
      And you're also welcome to come and join the Facebook group if you'd like to share you Tea Mouse in there :-) (The group is here:
      Happy knitting,


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© 2025 Say Little Hen
Maira Gall