Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Going Dotty

Spots and dots - what would the world be without them? They are one of my favourite patterns, applied to anything and everything. (I've even seen polka dot bread!). Making a dotty spotty mug cosy was a thought I had, but then filed away in the "another day" pile, until I received a special request for some dotty mug cosies.
Knitting spots is so much FUN! Seriously, I knitted four cosies consecutively in the space of just 48 hours. Which is why I named these cosies Going Dotty. I think I might if I knit too many more :-)

Some Going Dotty mug cosies are in my shop right now, along with an adorable Marshmallow Bunny one that I have just realised hasn't been shared here. They are organic cotton and make one's mug look rather well dressed, I think.
Autumn is in the air here - and the one little leaf that has turned orange on the grapevine confirms it. I adore this time of year. Cool weather is much more conducive to knitting, or any craft really.

What have you been making lately?
Do you love spots as much as I do?
I hope your week is going well!

Sarah x

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  1. Hello Sarah, I read an article once in a Home Decorating Magazine that said "how could you ever NOT be cheerful when you had red polka dot mugs to drink out of each morning?" So I went right out & bought some ... they are so lovely & cheering. As are your mug cosies!!! Have a lovely week Sarah x x

    1. I think I have to agree with that! I have a polka dot tea pot, it's cream with lots of coloured spots, and it always makes me happy. It also happens to also make the best cup of tea too!
      Thank-you so much & I hope you have a lovely week too! x

  2. There is "something" about spots! You're so clever :) xo

    1. Thank-you so much Kellie! Spots are the best xx

  3. You are clever Sarah...you make it look so easy! Thank you so much for taking to my request with so much enthusiasm! Stay tuned, hopefully these might feature in print somewhere out there in magazine world x

    1. Thank-you so much Jane! It was an absolute pleasure creating them for you. x

  4. lovely dots and what a cheerful pattern to gaze at while sipping tea or coffee!


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Maira Gall