Monday, March 21, 2016

Hello Monday

After a week of gloomy overcast skies it was delightful to start this week with a good dose of sunshine. Although I was enjoying the weather last week (as I mentioned previously, damp and cool weather brings out the creativity in me), I was glad of a little sunshine. I got out with the camera this afternoon and enjoying snapping brighter photos. Moody pictures aren't my style so I do miss photography when the weather is glum. The only down side is that the warmer weather has returned but the grass is growing like crazy.

One thing I have discovered since moving onto an acreage is that I am more accepting of most types of weather. When it's wet I am grateful for the moisture, when it's hot I know the grass grows better and when it's cold - well, everyone loves winter, don't they?
Anyway - enough prattling about the weather.

Amongst other things, today I tried out a new sourdough experiment/recipe (which I hope to share with you soon!) and to my surprise continued to enjoy the slow rhythm of washing in the twin tub. This little machine has not an automatic part in it, right down to even having to turn the drain dial on and off between washing and rinsing. If you walk off during draining and the pump runs out of water to pump out, you're in danger of ruining it. So when you're doing the washing in a twin tub, you're literally doing it. No multi-tasking, and I thought this might really annoy me, and it might long term, but right now I'm quite attached to the little thing.

I placed my first yarn order for the year last week and I'm expecting it to arrive tomorrow - I'm so excited! It contains the yarn I intend to turn into a baa-able hat. I had a crazy notion that I could knit the entire second sleeve of my Clara Bow Sweater over the weekend, leaving me free to cast on my hat as soon as the yarn came, but a day out on Saturday and the return of the warm weather on Sunday have foiled my plans. I'm also expecting Eleanor Ozich's new book to arrive, which I will be sure to tell you all about, and am also hopeful of a few other goodies arriving at the post office, which I will share with you at a later date.
And I'm also not far off publishing that new knitting pattern I mentioned. Goodness when I sat down to write tonight I didn't imagine I'd have so many things to promise you!

As a little side note, if you are on Instagram, Country Living By The Sea has a lovely giveaway happening for her gorgeous handmade soaps and washcloths. Also, I assume you've heard by now of the changes they plan to make to the IG newsfeed? In short it's going to become like Facebook, and if you don't want this to happen there is a petition happening over on

And if you're looking for a healthier (and tastier!) Easter treat to make this year, I thought you might like to try Loving Earth's Breakfast Easter Eggs recipe. Don't they sound divine?

Do you have any Easter traditions?
What are your plans for the week? What was your Monday like?
I hope you have a wonderful one!

Sarah x


  1. I have just put out some little Easter rabbits and painted eggs on a tabletop in our living room. With it, a little pile of Easter books, which I soon found my son leafing through. He soon became absorbed by one which has the most beautiful illustrations of birds and other creatures' eggs. I spent part of the day making a set of colourful blank greeting cards to take with me when I go to work with a class of beautiful children tomorrow afternoon. We're going to decorate these cards with fingerprint bunnies and chicks and, maybe even, lambs!

    1. Oh gosh that all sounds so lovely Meg! Happy Easter making x

  2. Good Morning Sarah! Your hens look happy and healthy :) I have not done one knitted stitch all winter, and there's an unfinished project that calls to me every so often. Whenever I read of someone expecting their yarn orders, it reminds me of that project! You have lots of fun things to look forward to in your beautiful corner of the world. Here we are waiting patiently for Spring to arrive. Even though the official date was yesterday, there is snow dusting things again this morning and -4C. A gorgeous weekend has turned to a grey day tis morning though. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Hello Wendy - thanks for your lovely comment :-) It's odd that Spring has abandoned you in the same week that Autumn seems to have left us! x

  3. Hi Sarah! Love your photos as usual. Wow, you are going to busy knitting, soon. So fun! Our Easter tradition starts with church and then later we have an Easter meal that usually consists of ham, potato salad, maybe brown rice and another vegetable. And we spend it with our loved ones. Hope you have a happy Easter!

    1. Thanks so much Laurie! Your Easter sounds so yummy - Happy Easter x

  4. Beautiful pictures Sarah. I love receiving an order of yarn for a special project but I am quite bothered by unfinished things when I start something new. This can take some of the fun out of new plans :)
    We always spend Easter with family and this involves a bit of a drive in one direction or another usually but it is always lovely weather here at this time of the year. Have a great Easter weekend yourself.
    Kate x
    PS I hope Instagram sees sense!!!

    1. Thank-you so much Kate! I'm only bothered by a large amount of unfinished projects, I quite enjoy having two or three knits on the go at once as normally they each require different amounts of concentration. It's good to have something complicated, and then something simple that I can work at whilst doing anything, like watching TV at night or having a conversation over tea with friends and family.
      Happy Easter! x

  5. We don't have any Easter traditions as such, just enjoying the four days as a family. I have been reading lots of Easter/Spring stories this year in an attempt to bring this festival into our rhythm. We have a mother hen and chicks which we made last year on our seasonal table along with a couple of hares and Mother Earth. I will be attempting to make sourdough hot cross buns on Friday, I hope they work!

    1. I'm sure your sourdough will be delicious! x


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Maira Gall