Thursday, March 17, 2016

Caravans & Craft

Aren't damp days just the best for baking and crafting?
Today was cool, misty and rainy. There was the whir of the dryer going for most of the day, along with the unfamiliar sound of a little old twin tub washing machine. Our normal machine broke down late last week, and a friend kindly dropped around the twin tub to borrow until the repair people can get here next week. Whilst there is certainly nothing automatic about this machine, it's more convenient than tripping to town and sitting in the laundromat. I think.
There was also the comfort of the oven warming the kitchen this morning as I baked apple cake, more chocolate sourdough cookies and an overnight loaf. There was also more cups of tea than I care to keep count of.

After I finished baking I sat down with Kate Ulman's (better known as foxslane) book. Have you discovered it? It's delightful. I've always liked the idea of having a little caravan and taking a road trip. As I flicked through this book I felt my dream creeping it's way forward from the back of my mind. Reading through the practicalities of caravaning mixed with the gorgeous craft projects and inspirational photos was food for the soul. Vantastic is a real treasure.

I cast on the second sleeve of my Clara Bow Sweater, worked a row or two and then swapped over to continuing work on another little pattern I have in progress. This one involves lace, is small and will be available shortly. I'm excited to share it with you!

I'd love to know how your week is going.
What are you reading and what are you making?
I hope there was something in your day that makes you as happy as sock-wearing and rain cloud watching makes me!

Sarah x

Linking in with Yarn Along


  1. ' Always enjoy your blog And yes, theres nothing like the warmth of the kitchen thanks to the oven on a damp, cool day. Its refreshing to know theres someone who still enjoys a good book. If you havent already read it you might want to pick up a copy of Elephant Company,,, a great read from cover to back The backdrop is WW2 and some of the main characters are magnificent elephants.Keep up the good work and take care SMILE Helen A fan in Dixie

    1. Thank-you Helen! I haven't heard of Elephant Company and will have to look it up, thanks for the suggestion x

  2. Hi Sarah. As usual, your photos are so pretty. I just love them. I'm stil a novice knitter, but I have kept busy all winter knitting caps, scarves and dishcloths. Sadly, but not so much, I've laid my needles down as the garden needs my attention, now. It's been wonderful to get outside and play. My knitting will be there when the weather cools again this fall. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank-you so much Laurie! It's hard balancing different hobbies/interests, isn't it? x

  3. That looks like a charming book. I love the colour of your sweater, I am on sleeve one of mine.

    1. Thank-you! It is a lovely book. Happy knitting x

  4. Hello Sarah, Oh I totally agree with you ... theres nothing better than a darkish wet day to tuck up inside & craft or bake. Today we have a dark sky & a few heavy drops & I plan to head off to my sewing room to finish an elephant I am making for my wee grandson who turns 1 soon. I have a mixed berry slice baking in the oven which smells divine. These autumn days are sooo welcome after the hot, dry summer. I have often looked longingly at that book of Kates on the internet & agree, it looks amazing. Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with creating & cooking x x x

    1. Hi Julie,
      Yes isn't autumn wonderful after the scorching dry summer we've all had! Your day sounds lovely, I hope you have a gorgeous weekend x

  5. Hello Sarah, I own Kate's book too! How pretty is it �� Hope you have had a good dash of rain too. Bec x

    1. Thanks Bec - yes it's it delightful! We had a really good amount of rain and today the sun is shining which is just perfect x

  6. Yay, it`s raining properly here now for the first time in nearly 9 months. Who would have thought that our Tasmanian Highland lakes would be drained almost dry. A loaf of bread has just come out of the combustion stove to join the fresh raspberry muffins and I`m longing to pick up my knitting needles. BUT... I made myself a promise that I would not start a new project till I finished my cross stitch. I`m agonisingly close- the last bit seems to take forever to do! And the photo of your knitting is so tempting....

    1. Oh that's so good that you are getting rain too Corinne! Happy cross stitching! x

  7. Wasn't the rain such a welcome sight! Delighted in cool air rushing through the house and feeling cool for the first time in ages. I was inspired to bake too and a loaf of bread and a pumpkin/orange cake soon appeared. And I cut out the final six blocks for a quilt.

    1. Yes it certainly was :-) That cake sounds delicious! Have a lovely weekend x

  8. How pretty is this post, Sarah! Gorgeous photos. And I liked Vantastic as well, the stuff dreams are made of.

  9. Oh I do love the idea of a caravan trip. We used to caravan a lot as children. I think my children would like it, too!

    1. I hope you get to go on that trip Helen! x

  10. I so badly want to make beautiful socks like Kate but I am all fingers and thumbs when it comes to knitting and crocheted socks are NOT THE SAME!


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Maira Gall