Saturday, February 27, 2016


1. Bambi waits for me to make my tea every morning, knowing that a long game of frisbee is always to follow

2 & 3. Watermelon rinds are gratefully received in this weather

4. Mushrooms and silkies

5. Shady yards provide a cool spot to stop

6. Is there anything happier than a sunflower against a blue sky?

Here are six little things I noticed this Saturday. There are also delicious brownies (from this book), tea drinking and a tiny bit of  blanket knitting. There was silly sheep going the wrong direction, supervising little chickens on a free-range forage and there was (obviously) photo taking. There was also fresh figs and sweet dragon fruits.

Maybe you'd like to list six little things from your day below? Maybe you'd like to list just one?
I hope your weekend is good so far,

Sarah x

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  1. Very hot humid weather in Auckland today, I've stewed apples, contemplated mowing the lawns, done a little EPP, played taxi driver for my son, and am now sitting inside listening to the rain, still hasn't cooled things down much. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. Oh I hate humidity, hope it cools down for you soon.
      Stewed apples - yum! x

  2. Your weekend looks perfect Sarah...I agree, sunflowers are just automatically happy aren't they? x

  3. oh yeah I am OVER Auckland's humidity! Dishcloth knitting, learnt how to bead in my knitting s-l-o-w-l-y; 3 year old party; work bbq party at my house.. all go yesterday/today!

    1. Goodness it sounds as though you'll need a weekend after your weekend :-)
      I love knitting dishcloths x

  4. Sounds like a perfect Saturday Sarah. An early morning coffee with little nieces and nephews set my day off to a good start. The giggling and the endless roundabout questions were a happy sound to rival the sight of a sunflower!!! xx

  5. Your Saturday looks and sounds great. Great photos as usual. I'm just starting my day, sipping on a cup of coffee and watching the ducks swimming in the pond across the road.

    1. That sounds lovely Laurie. Happy weekend x

  6. Happy weekend Sara! Those mushrooms! I almost thought they weren't real :) Lovely photos. Our weekend has just begun here, looking forward to some spring weather. Maybe we'll head to the beach and collect shells. xx

    1. Thanks Emilie. Those mushrooms aren't real....I probably should have mentioned that :-)
      Have fun at the beach x

  7. Took my mum to get her hair cut and on a rare warm, sunny February day (in St. Louis, MO - USA) we took a long drive through our old neighborhood and by nearby Grant's Farm where we saw Clydesdales romping and buffalo chomping on grass. Now enjoying the afternoon watching the cat follow the sun around the room as he's trying to get in a good nap in the warmth.

    1. Oh that sounds like such a special way to spend your Saturday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend x

  8. Hi Sara, I love those mushrooms and your chickens! My six things all happened on Saturday as Sunday is yet to come! I've made a healthy broccoli salad and a lemony slice, played Uno with my boy, untangled some tangled up knitting cotton, pinned together the pieces for my new top, filled the birdbath in the garden and browsed my local library where I got a few great books and a little bunch of herbs from the community gardeners who snipped them fresh that morning from the community garden attached to the library. I'm now looking forward to Sunday!

    1. Thanks Meg. What a lovely way to spend the day. That slice sounds delicious! x

  9. My day- getting up early enough to see a soft summer mist hovering over the garden before the heat of the day burnt it away, fresh hot date scones for morning tea, a warm gentle summer breeze gently moving the leaves on the crabapple at midday, finding a (free!!) pattern on Ravelry for the sweetest little rabbits to knit as gifts for Easter and planting hundreds of bluebell bulbs under the crabapple so I can look forward to a swathe of blue next spring.

    1. Oh Corinne that sounds like such a lovely day! It has been hot, hasn't it? Hopefully with the first day of Autumn will come a little cool change. x

  10. You have to tell me what I'm looking at, Sarah. What are these fuzzy adorable chicks? I've never seen anything like them.

    1. Those fluffy babies are Silkies. They are about 16 or 17 weeks old now so they are fully feathered and only need to grow a bit bigger and will mature in a few months. The orange chicks are Pekins. Both are bantam sized and Silkies are my absolute favourite breed of chicken. They are incredibly docile and sweet natured. Just delightful to have x


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Maira Gall