Saturday, January 23, 2016

Knit It | Little Lollipop Rabbit Pattern

So, I said I was planning some new friends for Miss Tea Mouse and Little Brown Dog. Here is Little Lollipop Rabbit. She's quite excited to meet you, she said, although she is a little shy. She's on Ravelry now, ready for purchasing and is eagerly awaiting your knitting needles to start work on her.

Little Lollipop is a simple, modern knit designed for beginner knitters but perfect for any skill level. She has floppy ears and a woollen pompom tail. Worked in DK and using less than 30gms of it, she's a quick knit and a wonderful stash buster.

I wanted to create a toy that was suitable for little hands to hold, and her cuddly shape and pretty fabric tummy and ears makes her perfect for children. You can make Lollipop in any colour, and depending on the fabric you use she is suitable for both boys and girls.

See full details of Lollipop on Ravelry.
And let me know what you think below!

I hope you're having a lovely weekend,
Happy Knitting,
Sarah x

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  1. Hooray--a pattern for beginners! I learned to knit this past year, but so far I've only successfully finished washcloths (a lot of them). This is so adorable, and I have just the recipient in mind. Can't wait to check out the pattern.

    1. Once you try knitting patterns you'll find they aren't that complicated at all. I started knitting toys it was great to learn on, and all of them turned out first go! Happy knitting,
      Sarah x

      PS My Tea Mouse pattern is also suitable for beginners x

  2. She is beautiful Sarah. This makes me want to knit but I am super uncoordinated with two needles and wool!!!

    1. Thank-you Kate. I love knitting, but whenever I have tried to learn how to crochet I have been very uncoordinated, so I know how you feel x

  3. Looks so pretty my friend!!! And I love love love your new layout for the blog! Just so stunning!! Happy week! Nicole xoxo

    1. Thank-you so very much Nicole! Happy new week to you too x

  4. Miss Lollipop is such a darling, Sarah. And I love the spotted box of yarn.

    1. Thank-you Amalia!
      The box is a little sewing basket, that I use for wool storage and works in progress. I picked it up from Spotlight a few years ago.

  5. So precious! I just love how adorable Miss Lollipop is!

  6. I've just downloaded this pattern and I'm looking forward to knitting up this cute little rabbit. I know a little one who will love her.



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Maira Gall