Sunday, December 27, 2015

On A Rainy Afternoon

On the eve of Christmas Eve, it began to rain, and it continued gently for 3 days. It was wonderful to enjoy 3 cool, damp days and know that at the slow rate the rain was falling, the ground was given the chance to soak up every drop of that precious liquid.
Aside from the obvious reasons for loving rain, I love the different textures and scenes it provides for me to photograph. On the rainy afternoon of Wednesday I took took the camera, and an umbrella to keep it dry, with me on the afternoon rounds.

1. One of our bulls waiting for his dinner

2. & 3. The cucumber vine and pumpkin in the dark contrast of afternoon rain

4. Eccentric great-grandfather and retired rooster, Mr Dee, quite oblivious to the wet weather and enjoying some grass seeds

5. Martha the Duck, the only animal of ours who truly enjoys these weather events

6. Our other bull coming in for his dinner too

I hope Christmas was everything you wanted and that you're enjoying the long weekend.

Have a lovely day,

Sarah x

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  1. Gorgeous photos is hard to beat a rainy day (or two!) As always your animals look contented and healthy! Enjoy the dampness in your garden and paddocks x

  2. I am sure your garden and animals will have enjoyed the gentle rain. There is nothing like it, especially when it is needed!

    1. There is nothing like it! Thanks for stopping by x


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Maira Gall