Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Winter Farmyard

The last days of winter are upon us and I am soaking them up, as well as looking forward to fare welling what has been a very, very cold season. The mornings at the moment are still crisp and misty but the days are filled with warm sunshine and balmy evenings. Bliss!

This morning I headed out with the camera to capture some last winter shots. It was damp and grey and bitingly chilly but it all soon blew away to reveal impossibly blue skies and the warmth of Spring.

The winter farmyard is something I will miss. The slower mornings,  filled with multiple cups of tea and returning from the morning's chores to warm myself by the fire.

But I can't wait to welcome the early rising once again, the long afternoons and the brisk days.

I'm learning slowly to embrace each season as it comes rather than favouring one and wishing the others away. There is something to love in each season and I'm ready for Spring to roll in.
How about you?


  1. Oh your place is gorgeous Sarah...those animals just look so perfect and happy. Enjoy these final days of winter x

  2. I just love your animal photos! And yes, I'm learning, too, to enjoy each season. Summer is my least favorite because of the heat and humidity. But, I'm learning to get up early and do what I have to do then and enjoy the rest of the day in the cool of the house. I always enjoy your posts. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Laurie :-) Summer can be tricky but I do enjoy parts of it x

  3. Beautiful pictures Sarah! I must say there is something good and special about each season and i feel blessed to live in a place where we get to experience all of them. I would miss certain things...even about summer!

    1. Thank-you Kate! After growing up on the coast where it was pretty much different degrees of hot all year round I too am glad to now live in a place with four seasons :-)

  4. You have very clean pigs - ours were always mud coloured in winter, but I guess your winter is a little drier than ours. As you wait to welcome spring, I can feel the chill of autumn waiting around the corner.

    1. Yes July through to November is generally our dry season here, although last year the dry extended through into January when it's supposed to be bucketing with rain. We've got our fingers crossed for the wet season to arrive on proper time this year :-)

  5. you always have such beautiful photos .What camera and lens do you use ?


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Maira Gall