Wednesday, April 02, 2014

And Then Spud Found My Knitting

I was so excited the other day. I was so close to getting my sweater finished. Or so I thought.
The warm weather arrived for a few days - March has been awfully strange - and stopped me in my quest. But the heat subsided and I had every good intention of getting back to my knitting.

I was sitting outside one afternoon, doing some paper work and enjoying a cup of tea and chatting with my Mum. Spud went running past, but I didn't take any notice.
"Sarah, is Spud supposed to have your knitting??" 
As Mum spoke, I glanced quickly at Spud and screamed (I'm not usually the screaming sort, not even when I see a snake).
My book, notes and iPod went flying. My scream had made Spud drop the knitting in fright and I rushed over, grabbed it and ran inside like my stitches depended on it...which I suppose they kind of did.
I frantically darted to my needle jar and started jabbing needles into all of the dropped, unraveling stitches, desperate to save them.

I actually thought I had saved them, and was busy figuring out how to ladder back up the couple of rows he had unraveled when I realised there was no point. Right on the cast-on edge, Spud had chewed two generous sized holes.

I am glad that he only attacked the front, and left the completed back undisturbed. If he'd ruined the whole thing it'd probably be in the bin right now and I'd be choosing my next project. Which is slightly tempting....not the bin part, just ignoring the fact I have to knit the whole front all over again and beginning something new.

I told Spud he's lucky he's cute. I'm not sure he knew why.

I'm joining Yarn Along again over here


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! I am so glad that he didn't do much damage to your beautiful work!! That silly little guy.... I can just see you throwing everything to run after him!!! What a story! You could make this into a children's book.... The adventures of Spud! Happy week friend! Nicole xoxo

  2. Oh No!!! How frustrating. maybe leave it a day or two before starting over. I'm guessing your knitting will find a new Spud-proof home.

  3. Oh no! I think I would have cried. It was looking so beautiful too. Sometimes I have to leave something for a little while before I can come back to it in the right frame of mind.

  4. Eeeeek! You sound a lot calmer about this than I'd be! Naughty wee pup, but how could one possibly stay cross with that sweet little furry face ;-) xx

    1. I was surprised at my calmness! Rilla destroyed two balls of yarn when she was a puppy and I was more annoyed about that than I am about this....maybe I'm just used to puppy mischief by now? :-)

  5. Oh Sarah that is one guilty puppy there! But how on can you stay cranky at those eyes :) I'm sorry to hear that he ruined a little of your hard work though. Hopefully you can salvage it in some way.

    Sophie xo

  6. Soooo ... is Spud still around? I'm not sure how I would handle that, but I know my dog would be avoiding me for a few days. Poor you! It's bad enough to accidentally lose stitches by your own hand, but when the dog gets into it ... sheesh. At least the back is spared, and you just have to look at the bright side. That photo of Spud says it all. He looks so sorry for doing 'something' wrong. I hope you get it worked up quickly again. Wendy x

    1. Of course the little darling is still around :-) I didn't get cross at him, by the time I'd finished inspecting my knitting he wouldn't have known what it was about :-)

  7. my dog also has a face that gets away with pretty much everything :)

  8. Naughty spud! He is so gorgeous though .. very lucky he looks so damned cute! Ahhh, your poor knitting. And even in your moment of frustration and I'm sure sadness, your pics look brilliant!

  9. He's more than cute!! and your knitting is such a lovely shade of blue (that matches his name tag!!)
    My border collie puppy ate my crochet hook a few weeks ago but thankfully didn't touch my blanket.

    1. I know - he's downright adorable! Both my BC puppies seem to have had a taste for knitting and yarn :-)

  10. Cheeky puppy, but sooooo cute! Love the colour of your knitting - glad you could rescue it! Lovely photos.

  11. Little Spud with those big dark eyes. He is gorgeous. Love the colour of your knitting xo

  12. I laughed a lot reading this, since my three year old (who is sometimes called spud) is going through a phase of pulling the needles out of my knitting. Especially if it's lace...I feel your pain!

  13. Naughty spud! Oh but that face how can you stay angry for long ;)


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Maira Gall