Sunday, March 06, 2016

Here & Now | In The Rain

Loving // A rainy afternoon! After a few days of overcast weather, and even a severe weather warning and big rain clouds to tease us, the sky finally opened this afternoon. It was the kind with extra big drops and gave the paddocks a decent drink
Eating // My Mum's delicious fruitcake.....I'll have to share the recipe with you one day
Drinking // Twinnings English Breakfast, as I type
Wearing // Slippers and winter PJs last night - it was suddenly chilly!
Feeling // Very grateful for your comments and thoughts on my last post (on all my posts, actually.)
Making // Blanket squares and blogging plans
Thinking // About how cool it is that the first article I ever submitted to anywhere was published and has just come out in print
Dreaming // Of log fires in winter and tomorrow's loaf of sourdough

What is happening in your world here & now? 
Share below or on your blog, or in an email! I love chatting with you :-)
I hope your weekend has been wonderful,

Sarah x

PS For those of you interested in Rosellas, a lovely reader commented that it can be purchased under the name Carcade Tea. Hopefully those of you who can't get hold of seeds overseas can find this tea! x


  1. Love your rainy photos! We had an abundance of sunshine, today. It felt wonderful!

    1. Thank-you Laurie. So glad to hear you've had some sunshine to enjoy :-)

  2. I so enjoy your blog. I came across it by way of Foxs Lane about a month ago and have been following ever since. It was sunny and warm this weekend, and Spring is in its early stages here in the States. We just moved to a new state about 8 months ago so we've been out exploring the hiking trails every weekend that we can. It wears me out in the best possible way. Being outside, absorbing Nature, no technology - it fills me up in a way that nothing else can. Again, love following along and thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank-you so much for your lovely comment Ashley! Yes being outdoors is so much more fulfilling than being inside in front of a screen.
      Have a lovely day,
      Sarah x

  3. Your blog is so wholesome. Among all the emails that come through everyday, I love reading your posts. Thank you.

    1. Thank-you so much Margareta! I'm so glad to hear that x

  4. Back to work after a nice weekend. Always enjoy your emails letting me know there is a new post.
    Drinking: rose and vanilla tea - a Dilmah special.
    Reading: My Name is Resolute by Nancy Turner
    Thinking: I should get the washing off the line
    Sewing: a quilt for my Mum for her birthday - so no blog posts about this
    Needing: to wrap up my sister's birthday parcel and post it too her
    Enjoying: the cooler evenings that Autumn brings, so much nicer to go to sleep in

    Have a great week.

    1. Thank-you so much Julie :-)
      It sounds as though there are a few birthday happenings for you at the moment. The Autumn nights are so much better aren't they? x

  5. Beautiful, refreshing rain Sarah. I have never had much luck baking fruit cake, I would love the recipe, one day x

    1. Thank-you Jane...I hope you get some rain soon too x

  6. I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago. It is beautiful and you are so talented. I loved the brown shrug.
    It is great reading blogs from the lower countries. You are getting cooler as we get warmer. The warm pictures are a welcome relief as we are in the teens. It is beautiful here today. I have been out working around the outside cleaning up this morning and actually started sweating.
    Anyway, just wanted to touch base and let you know that someone from the mountains of North Carolina enjoys your blog posts.

    1. Thank-you Jeanna - I'm so happy to hear you are enjoying my blog :-)
      It sounds as though Spring is arriving for you over there x

  7. Lovely rain Sarah. I am dreaming of rain and cooler temps. Congratulations on your article. Can I ask where it was published? I'd love to have a read. xo

    1. Thank-you so much Julie. I hope you get some rain soon too.
      My article is in the latest (autumn) issue of Earth Garden Magazine x

  8. Such lovely photos, so calm and peaceful. I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep so I have been wandering around the blogosphere looking for inspiration. Found you via and have been thoroughly enjoying your adventures with silkies and collies.

    1. Thank-you so much for your lovely comment! I'm so glad you like it here x


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Maira Gall