Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Snippets

1. Wheat and Barley sprouts lined up on their rack in the shed. We feed the pigs and chickens sprouted and soaked grain as it increases the nutritional value and digestibility. The cattle and sheep also receive a small amount of sprouted barley in their chaff and mineral mix every couple of days. We've so much grain out at once, in various stages of sprouting and soaking that I refer to it as "the sprout factory".

2. The face of a happy pig, Wilbur, during breakfast (in case you missed the Pig Project post, catch up here)

3. Sheep enjoying the shade on a sunny afternon

4 & 5. My Mitred Blanket is complete - finally! It only took two and half years. I'm very happy with the result and am now knitting away on my Clara Bow Sweater. I was determined to get both large projects out of the way this year and with one ticked off, I'm dreaming of knitting socks. But only once my sweater is finished.

6. Spelt Sourdough is fast becoming part of my Sunday morning ritual. I allow myself to enjoy a slower morning on Sundays, which is perfect for bread baking. The dough is made and shaped the night before, ready for baking first thing.
I enjoy a cup of tea while it warms up, then another cup whilst the bread is baking. By the time it is cooked I have enjoyed a slow breakfast, usually done some knitting and am ready to wander out into the sunshine and feed the animals.


Have you any Sunday Snippets to share?
Hope you've had a good week.
Here's to the new week (and almost a new month!)

Sarah xx


  1. Beautiful photos as always Sarah 📷😊 That loaf of bread looks amazing!

  2. HI Sarah love your photos , your knitting looks beautiful

    1. Hi Sarah thank you for the comment on my blog . my sheep are Damara the little ones are first cross dorpers and the 4 girls are in lamb to a full blood dorper Ram so very excited to see them in a few weeks

    2. Oh lovely, am looking forward to seeing pictures of the lambs on your blog :-)

  3. So wholesome Sarah! Your Sunday looks wonderful...I love your bread and the ritual surrounding it x

  4. Wonderful, wonderful pics! I just love the one of Wilbur and the sheep. The blanket looks great - well done!

    1. Thank-you Julie! I love that pic of Wilbur too :-)

  5. Sigh, beautiful post. Love each photo and idea - delightful.

  6. Wilbur certainly looks like a happy pig! That blanket looks amazing, and right in time for the cooler months. Hope you're enjoying your IG break. Clearly you got your blogging mojo back

    1. Thank-you Trishie :-) Yes I've gotten my blogging voice back, I'm quite surprised that's all it took. Am enjoying my break but looking forward to returning to IG when it's over :-)

  7. This is my first visit to your blog, Sarah, how very lovely it is. I'm sure to come back.
    I like to walk on the beach first thing in the morning. It is a little far from my home and I usually only have time on the weekends but when I do, it is the perfect start to the day.

    1. Hi Amalia,
      Thank-you for your kind comment, I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying my blog!
      Walking on the beach in the early morning or evening is lovely; a rare treat for me too as we live a little further away from the beach than I'd like :-)

  8. Sounds like a pretty idyllic Sunday to me - baking bread, drinking tea and knitting. Wilbur is gorgeous.


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Maira Gall