Sunday, January 25, 2015

Summer Storms

We had a lovely storm last night. It rolled in just as the sun was setting, giving a magnificent lightening display. I stood on the verandah and watched it coming in. The thunder and lightening were almost constant throughout it. I just love watching storms; storms that aren't dangerous that is. I relish every moment of them. We've been losing power a far bit lately to thunder storms, but we didn't last night. I had the candles lit just in case.

I didn't think we had gotten much rain out of it though, until I rose this morning and saw the small dam full, and the rain gauge informed me that we had in fact received 33mls.
We had a little rain a week ago too, so I am hoping the wet season has finally started at last. Wouldn't that be lovely?

How's your Sunday rolling where you are?
Hot, cold, wet, or dry I do hope you are having a nice one!

Sarah x


  1. Lovely Sunday here .. and working our way through that 'to do' list. Glad you have had some rain .. oh I'm wishing for some here, much needed. Beautiful pics Sarah :)

    1. Hope you get some rain soon Julie!! Happy new week x

  2. We don't get storms on the same scale as ye Sarah but I do love to hear thunder rolling!! It reminds me that I am part of such a bigger picture!

    Your posts recently have been just glorious! Your camera work is just immense, you can capture such beauty! I just love hopping over here and seeing your summer of hard work unfurl! Have a great week my dear xxx Hazel x

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely, lovely comment Hazel! I hope you have a great week x

  3. It was a nice 22 degrees for us today. We spent it up at our families place in the country. It was for some birthday celebrations, 2 kiddies turning 2 and 4! We had a lovely lunch, the kids enjoyed playing together and we came home with bags of yummy plums from their fruit trees. It was a wonderful day xx

    1. That sounds like a great day Simone! Thanks for stopping by x

  4. We've had a lot of rain in the last few days and I'm so glad for it!!! Finally a cool respite and the garden really needed it. Lovely pictures, Sarah

    1. So great to hear that you've been getting some rain too! Hope you're having a lovely week x


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Maira Gall